The Walking Dead Episode 2: Starved For Help Walkthrough Ep.1: by UberHaxorNova - Review

Jessica ASMR
Publicado hace 12 años

The Walking Dead Episode 2: Starved For Help Walkthrough Ep.1: WELCOME BACK! by UberHaxorNova Was Awesome And Cool.

I love how he had the options to cut the dudes leg off!
This game is so realistic and fun to play and overall I love it even though its not really based on the same story line as the walking dead show I watch on AMC :)

UberHaxorNova link:

Thanks for watching!!!!

Have a nice night!


amc dale dead episode guide hershels jessy kardashian land original part Pre quit rage release review shaft showcase texture THE UberHaxorNova walking walkthrough wife wool Zombies

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