Sensing how nervous you are about your check up, this nurse takes charge to make sure you feel at ease while giving you great service. Your measured, weighed and then deemed to need a little ear cleaning session. The whole time she is polite and explains it all to you with her soft spoken voice.
Intro - 0:00
Check Up Roleplay- 2:50
Ear Cleaning - 12:50
#asmr #wholesome #tingles
If you read this comment if you want the school nurse to return in another video ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
asmr ASMR Ear Cleaning asmr ear washing asmr measuing you asmr nurse ear cleaning asmr qtip ears asmr qtips audio roleplay ear cleaning Ear Cleaning ear to ear cleaning ear washing asmr gentle help to sleep measuring you asmr nurse asmr nurse audio roleplay nurse cleans your ears nurse ear cleaning asmr qtip cleaning asmr relaxing roleplay ear cleaning roleplay measuring you roleplaying rp sleep sleep to asmr tingle tingle asmr tingles WHOLESOME asmr