BLACK LIVES MATTER~How To Use Your White Privilege

MellowMaddy ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

Hey guys! I had to take a break from filming to fully involve myself in these current issues. I will be back with a new ASMR video as soon as possible! I hope you truly gained something from this video. It is so important to acknowledge the cold, hard facts of police brutality in our country. It is astounding how many unarmed Black people are killed each year simply because of their skin color. If George Floyd was White, he would not have died the way he did. He would've at least had a chance at trial, a chance at life.

It doesn't help that there are so many racist instigators like Donald Trump who are in positions of power. Let's get him out of office so we can head in a better direction for change. The systemic racism in our country, especially in the police system, is unacceptable. It is 2020 and we should not have to continue witnessing the behaviors of our racist white ancestors. However, their actions SHOULD be emphasized more in textbooks in order to spread awareness about racism and allow humanity to learn from its mistakes. Often times, textbooks are whitewashed and these important topics are not covered enough in school. The racist police officers who are allowed to be in positions of power, only to feed their egos by killing innocent Black people will not be tolerated any longer. Use your white privilege and take a stand. Use your voice to fight these injustices in any way you can.

Innocent Black women like Breonna Taylor should NOT have died. Innocent Black children should NOT have died! So please, don't stop paying attention to these injustices once they stop trending. That doesn't mean it goes away! Keep reading news articles and books, watching documentaries, signing petitions, donating to causes, supporting Black businesses, and VOTE VOTE VOTE for figures that will actually support Black lives! There is so much more you could be doing but the bare minimum should be for you to keep educating yourself and other people around you that share your privilege. Call out racism when you see it and show you won't stand for it. We are all the same. All of this is caused simply because of a difference in skin color. Just let that sink in.


Here is a very useful link compiling many different resources you should check out:

My PayPal account will be used for donations towards organizations that support/bring justice to Black lives:

Follow my channel's Instagram for updates + extra content!😆


asmr black lives matter blm speech breonna taylor George Floyd how to use your white privilege police brutality

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