최애템 소개와 탭핑 ASMR | Favorite Item Talking & Tapping ASMR

Judy asmr
Publicado hace 4 años

0:00 ~ 49:43 배경음악 없는 버전 (without Music version)
49:43 ~ 배경음악 버전 (with Music version)

여러분 안녕하세요! judyasmr 입니다.
최애템 소개영상을 요근래 못 올렸더니,
구독자여러분들이 올려달라고 많이 요청해주시더라구요.
(이 시리즈 좀 괜찮았나? 😚)
암튼, 그래서 오랜만에 돌아온 최애템 ASMR 입니다. (무려 50분짜리! + BGM 버전까지 붙였다구욧!)
그럼 재미있게 봐주시고, 저는 다음 영상으로 또 찾아올게요- 안녕!

Hello, everyone! This is Judyasmr.
I haven't uploaded my favorite item show and tell video in a while,
The subscribers asked me to upload them.
(My Subscribers probably liked this series. 😚)
Anyway, that's why it's been a long time since I came back with my favorite item ASMR. (almost of 50 minutes! + BGM version!)
I hope you enjoy it, and I'll be back with the next video. Bye!

[Music info]
Song : 샛별 - Cozy Cafe
Music provided by 샛별.
Link : https://youtu.be/Lx2hDcrNbNo

🗣 Help for Subtitle link (자막) : http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCRUb1Iq2qbcmvt7AWdW8wjA&tab=2

💛 Link to join membership (멤버십 가입) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUb1Iq2qbcmvt7AWdW8wjA/join

🎁 Donation link (채널 후원) : https://toon.at/donate/636716481331161857

📹 VLOG : https://www.youtube.com/c/Judylog주디로그
📱INSTAGRAM : @judyasmr
📩 BUSINESS E-MAIL : [email protected]


asmr eng sub favorite favorite item item ASMR korean asmr show and tell talking asmr whispering 音フェチ

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