Need to catch up on sleep? Maybe you're looking for a super deep sleep to rest & restore. Or maybe you just want to spend a few days straight sleeping. Whatever you're looking for, the Hypersleep Experience™ has what you need. After checking some vitals and clarifying what you want for your experience, we'll be calibrating your REM sequence, making sure your body is aligned & free from tension, and manually reducing the nervous activity in your brain to allow your body to truly relax into a deep sleep.
Welcome to Your Hypersleep Experience™! ~ 00:00 – 03:53
Adjusting Your Wires & Running Diagnostic Panels ~ 03:53 – 07:51
Taking Your Pulse & Respiration Rate ~ 07:51 – 10:16
Did You Want Dream Customization? ~ 10:16 – 13:00
Calibrating Your REM Sequence (Follow the Light) ~ 13:00 – 19:03
Checking Your Alignment & Muscle Tension (Guided Relaxation) ~ 19:03 – 27:45
Scanning Your Brain & Manually Reducing Nervous Activity ~ 27:45 – 32:25
Look Here, Now Over Here ~ 32:25 – 33:29
Scanning & Reducing Activity ~ 33:29 – 37:45
Checking Reaction Times ~ 37:45 – 38:50
Bringing Your Custom Dream to the Forefront ~ 38:50 – 40:48
Wrapping up Your Hypersleep Experience™ ~ 40:48 - 41:52
Triggers include: soft speaking, whispering, pen writing, typing, nail tapping on glass, inaudible whispering, asking questions, explaining, crinkly cling wrap sounds, face touching, fiddling sounds, flipping through binder, follow the light, light triggers, guided relaxation, fabric sounds, scanning, focus triggers, low sine tones, guided deep breathing, hypnotic induction, and personal attention.
Hope y'all enjoy, have a whale of a day! :)
xx Calliope
❥ What Is ASMR? From Oxford Languages: "a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound. 'ASMR is triggered by things like whispering voices, paper tearing, and scalp massage.'"
❥ I want y'all to have a safe environment here regardless of where you come from, who you love, what you look like, you name it. I don't tolerate discrimination or hatred based on attributes you can't change like where you were born, what color you are, if you have a disability, or who you love– above all, be kind to one another. We're all just people, just trying to do our thing.
❥ If you want to donate (but don't ever feel pressured to!) I have three ways to go about it:
Ko-Fi link (one-time):
Patreon link (monthly perks like early access videos & exclusive content):
Throne Gifts (wishlist for props/equipment):
❥ Check me elsewhere on the Web:
The Big List Of It All:
Apple Music:
Amazon Music:
❥ Background image in Outro is “Close-up Photo of Green Leafed Plant” from user Aditya Aiyar on, no attribution required.
❥ My equipment:
Audio Recording – Rode NT1-A Microphones with Zoom H4N Recorder
Filming – Lumix G85 Camera
❥ Have a whale of a day and a good rest of your night! :)
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