🌸 HI! My Lovelies! 🌸
Welcome Welcome...!
• Please bear with me and my attempt at some tongue sounds, I am not as good as other ASMR channels but I thought I would give it a try. 😅
• My camera looks so weird in this video for some reason, so I am trying to work with that. Also my computer was having so many problems so I’m sorry for the late upload!! ❤️
• Let me know if there’s anything I could improve on or any other videos you would like to see, I love all your input and requests! 😌❤️
I hope you all have an amazing day/night/whenever and I hope you enjoy today’s video.
I love you all!! 💕🌸
asmrgirl asmrlips asmrsleep asmrtongueclicking asmr asmrbreathing asmrfriend asmrhandmovements asmrlofi asmrmouth ASMRMouthSounds asmrrelax asmrupclose Asmrwhispering breathingasmr friendasmr girlasmr handmovementsasmr lips lipsasmr lofi lofiasmr mouthasmr MouthsoundsASMR relax relaxasmr sleep sleepasmr tongueclickingasmr upcloseasmr whisperingasmr