I COME TO YOU WITH!!! A brand spanking new headset immersion video!!😊🎧 Corsair was so kind to send me their new wireless noise cancelling gaming headset (thank you corsair!!) This video is not sponsored, but I just KNEW this headset would make for a great headset immersion video. I didn't even notice 45 minutes going by because I was so stimulated making ASMR off of all of its textures. I just know this headset is going to be a staple in ASMR Mondays now. Headset ASMR is one of my favorites to make and enjoy because of how realistic it sounds and because of how well it helps me focus on whatever I'm doing. It's also comforting, I imagine having a roommate tapping on my headset 😂
Here's the link for anyone interested: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/p/gaming-headsets/ca-9011373-ww/virtuoso-max-wireless-gaming-headset-silver-ca-9011373-ww
I'm going to start dressing suuuuuper cozy from now on with darker warmer tones and sweaters 🍂 The outfit I’m wearing reminded me perfectly of October because of the brown shirt and spider web like straps of the bralette. Or that was my inspo for this outfit at least 😊 I love it being fall just as much as I thought I would. Idk about you but my favorite weather of all time is brisk weather with a bit of sunshine :') Los Angeles actually doesn't experience much of that weather (unless I wake up at the crack of dawn which I am not going to). It's times like these that I miss the East coast. Speaking of, I want to see the snow this winter! I haven't seen snow in ages. As a kid, I used to want to live in the snow 24/7 but as an adult, I'm just happy visiting snowy areas. Idk how the heck people deal with snow as an adult.. I've seen shorts of cars literally freezing shut as if it's a normal thing that happens...???
Anywho, I'm waiting for a candle that I just made to solidify as I write this and let me tell you... my place is filled with the sweet scent of apple cider and it's so juicy and cozy. I am going to curl up with my hot chocolate after I release this video and watch Death Note 🥰
That's all for now! Rest well and I'll see you soon ❤️
💜ASMR Monday 8pm PST on twitch.tv/angelskimi
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(All ASMR VODs will be uploaded here)
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