Your adorably shy and timid sheep girl lures you to sleep the only way she knows how... With endless cuddles and affirmations~
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Art Commissioned From - potatofrog
Intro Music Composer: Vindsvept, Fantasy Music
Intro Title: "Collision"
Music License -
Outro Animated By: Crash Landing Studio
asmr roleplay audio roleplay comfort audio cuddles asmr cuddles asmr roleplay cuddles roleplay Faun Roleplay girlfriend cuddles asmr girlfriend cuddles roleplay Goat monster girl asmr Satyr Roleplay Sheep girl asmr roleplay sheep girl audio sheep girl roleplay Sheep girlfriend asmr shy asmr roleplay shy gf asmr shy girl asmr shy girlfriend asmr shy monster girl asmr roleplay shy roleplay shy Sheep girl asmr shy Sheep girlfriend asmr soft whispers