⚡️ TRY ONLINE THERAPY: https://tryonlinetherapy.com/olivia
Many people reach out to me with questions about anxiety or depression. While I try my best to help everyone I can with my ASMR videos, I've also partnered with a company called BetterHelp in order to provide professional counseling when it's necessary. If you're experiencing anything like this, give BetterHelp a try.
Must be 18+ to try. Plans start at $35/week.
⚡️ TRY ONLINE THERAPY: https://tryonlinetherapy.com/olivia
Check out my new channel Live UNBOUND! youtube.com/c/LiveUNBOUNDnow
You can see Chris’s delicious recipes and raw lifestyle at Raw Advantage:https://www.youtube.com/user/ck1nsh
Meditations for Healing Trauma and Anxiety: http://oliviakissperasmr.com/product/meditations-hypnotherapy-for-healing-trauma-and-anxiety/
Download My ASMR Day Activation Mindfulness Course App here: http://oliviakissperasmr.com/meditation/day-activation-mindfulness-course/
Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OliviaKissperASMR
Find out more about me: http://www.OliviaKissperASMR.com
Don’t Miss a video and Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/user/OliviaKissperASMR
What is ASMR? Watch an introduction video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpgWpFc1blc
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