[ASMR] ✂️Hair Salon Role Play 🔥Brushing, Washing, & Cutting Hair🔥

Publicado hace 6 años

In this video my client has some REALLY messy hair. From brushing and combing to washing and cutting, we explore MANY amazing triggers to give you the ULTIMATE TINGLES!

Included, as well, are some "shh", "schoop", "tck", and whispers at various points throughout.

The tips mentioned in this video are for use on DOLL HAIR, not human hair. However, you can use the Dr. Bronner's soap, I wouldn't recommend using fabric softener. These do actually work for making the hair of the doll soft again. I will attempt to style her hair in a part two to this video, if you would like.

What are your salon tingly triggers?

Let me know!!!

- Please do not take offence to the accent used in this video. I thought it would be fun and is an enjoyable accent to listen to.
- Any Canadian jokes are due to me being a Canadian. So, no shade towards Canada, haha.

If you enjoy this video, give it a like & subscribe for more!

Also! Let me know what you enjoy and what you may want to see more of. I am completely open to ideas and suggestions.

Hope you enjoy!

Ashley EhSMR

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @eh_smr


asmr ASMR brush sounds asmr brushing hair asmr brushing your hair asmr cutting hair asmr cutting your hair asmr doll asmr hair ASMR Hair Brushing asmr hair cut asmr hair cutting asmr hair inspection asmr hair play asmr hair salon asmr haircut asmr haircutting asmr personal attention asmr roleplay asmr salon roleplay ASMR Scalp Massage asmr scissors asmr wet scalp massage cutting your hair

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