Hello! Today I'll be doing an UP CLOSE inspection of you mainly focusing on your beautiful face, of course. Alongside, there'll be soft gum chewing and a part where I inspect you with latex gloves.
Everything else is extra like tapping, hand movements, a few trigger words, water sounds, face brushing, glass tapping and measuring (and maybe one or two other triggers)
Triggers were done on the:
Blue Yeti Mic
I hope you enjoy it!!
//Boheme & Chella
#asmr #upclose #facetouching
~ T w i t c h ~ (Live ASMR and Gameplays)
~ s o c i a l s ~
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SNAPCHAT: @bohemeandchella
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DISCORD: https://discord.gg/kUKyHk3
~ s e c o n d c h a n n e l ~
~ P a t r e o n ~
amrs amsr and anxiety arsm asmr asmrtist asrm blue yeti Boheme boheme and chella bohemian bohemianwhisper boho can't sleep chella face brushing face touching for sleep glasses tapping gum chewing hand movements Latex Gloves measuring personal attention relax relaxation relaxing sleep soft streamer stress reducing stress relief study tapping tingles tingly trigger words triggers up close inspection of you water sounds whisper whispered whispering whispers