ASMR To Fall Asleep Fast | Fluffy Mic Scratching, Face Touching & Brushing, Soft Whispers

Publicado hace 2 meses

*still edited on iPad*

Hi there,
Is it way past your bedtime and you really need sleep? Are your thoughts racing and keeping you awake? Did you have a stressfull day and need some tingly relaxation?
Don't worry, I got you! This super soft and sleepy video will definitely knock you out.
Including : fluffy mic scratching and brushing, face touching and brushing, sleepy whispering, book scratching, fabric scratching, fluffy blanket scratching.

Thank you so much for watching and supporting the channel.
Have a great day or night!

00:00 Fluffy mic & hand sounds
03:02 Mic & face brushing
04:27 Mic & face scratching
04:52 Velvet pouch
06:08 Fluffy mic
07:08 Mic & face brushing
09:34 Book scratching
11:05 Fluffy mic
12:17 Mic & face brushing
13:03 Fluffy blanket

#asmr #asmrforsleep #asmrwhispering #asmrforrelaxing #asmrmicscratching #asmrscratching #asmrpersonalattention


asmr asmr for sleep asmr for relaxation asmr fluffy mic asmr fluffy mic scratching asmr mic scratching asmr scratching asmr personal attention ASMR Face Brushing asmr mic brushing

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