ASMR for People Who Don't Get Tingles

Publicado hace 6 años

ASMR video for those who have never felt tingles or have lost them. And for everybody else. ;)
2:18 plastic wrap over mics with and without windshield
6:35 brushing mics with big fluffy brushes (w/ & w/o windshield)
10:08 brushing mics with silicone brushes (w/ & w/o windshield)
14:01 touching mics with baking utensil (w/ & w/o windshield)
16:35 touching mics with gloves (w/ & w/o windshield)
20:25 scratching mics with ear picking tools (w/ & w/o windshield)
23:02 mic blowing (w/ & w/o windshield)

This was originally gonna be a tingle battle but the sounds are so intense and tingly, I thought I'd make it another video in my "ASMR for People Who Don't Get Tingles" series.

#asmrforpeoplewhodontgettingles #gettinglesback

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❤️Due to some of the comments I get on my videos: If you feel like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, talk to someone! ➡️

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asmr asmr for people who can't get tingles asmr for people who can't tingle asmr for people who don't get tingles asmr for people who don't tingle asmr for tingle immunity asmr get tingles back asmr mic brushing asmr mic touching ASMR Sound Assortment asmr to get tingles back fast asmr fastASMR relaxing video Video for Sleep

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