Zedd & Elley Duhé Happy Now (Item Cover)

Publicado hace 3 años

Hi everyone! Happy Sunday! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far! It has been awhile since I’ve done a household item song cover. So I made one right here. Other than me learning how to playing guitar, I also like to be creative making music The song that I did is called Happy Now by Zedd & Elley Duhé. There are a lot of reasons why I love listening to this song. This song makes me very happy because it makes me have a lot of joy. The song has a very catchy beat into it. Also it has a very good vibe when you listen to anytime anywhere. Throughout listening to the song and for watching the whole video, I actually split the song into three different versions. First verse is the normal version, the second verse is acoustic version, and the last verse is no music at all which I wanted to try an item only cover for the very last. Lastly speaking of happy, if you guys are wondering why in I always greet everyone like a happy day or a certain holiday it’s because that I’m a very polite and a very supportive guy. I love to make everyone having a very happy day and also making them feel happy too. It’s my job to spread happiness and joy throughout the whole community. Also being very supportive too to other talented people out there. I love making people's’ day! Hope you guys enjoy!
#happynow #zeddelleyduhé #itemcover

Items Used:
Champagne Glass
Kitchen Thongs
Container of Oatmeal

Check out my other household item covers
Prince Royce - Corazon Sin Cara Cover

Coldplay - Clocks Cover

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Video Schedule
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday

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