ASMR - Are you powerful?

Publicado hace 4 años

Hey guys! I hope you're doing well, or at least hanging in there. I really don't know if I made my points at all, let alone as well as I wanted to in this video, but here it is regardless. Thank you to those of you who encouraged me to make another video like this; I often feel like talking in this way is selfish or boring -- who wants to know what I have to say or what's happened in my life? I really needed that push to get this going, so thank you. If you want to get right to it, you can skip to 5:23, but the opening has some information I wanted to get out there either way.
love, elo
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are you powerful asmr being strong being your own advocate calm calming casual chat Dad elo asmr family Friends having your own back life advice life lessons mom musings philosophy Ramble relationships relax relaxing self Siblings sleep soft spoken strength whispered zoom h4n

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