Asmr~🖤New leather gloves💙 #asmrvideo #asmrleathergloves #asmrwhispering

Asmr Kiki and the Garden
Publicado hace 2 años

In this video~

A little visit with you and my new leather gloves and leather coat. Relaxing whispers to bring you calm and a safe place.💙🖤

#asmr #asmrwhispering #asmrleathergloves #asmrvideo #leather #bluehair ##leathercoat #ruffles #studs #whisper #calm #safeplace #leathergloves

Biblical pearl~ the first leather coat was made by God in the garden of eden to help Adam and Eve go into the wilderness. Even in Adam and Eve's disobedience, I thought it was very merciful that God didn't kick them out naked but clothed. He gave them a consequence but did not keep them naked. When I thought about this it reminded me of Jesus and how it was his body that covers us. He is risen but he is now the Holy Spirit who calls souls to be covered by Him. To help us get through the wilderness. The wilderness is all the sufferings and trials. Holy spirit is the helper. We sometimes hate God for all the suffering but love isn't real unless we are given free choice. I fail God all the time but it isn't about failing or success. It's simply being humble to His story. Not ours. When I think about that, I'm more able to give thanks and receive His brand new leather coat. Especially when I steer away from him.
🖤Christ Jesus 🖤 A victor of the flesh nature. A warrior who fights away the anxiety and stress when we wear him. Healing takes time. Healing takes unity. Healing is a safe place. Healing does not put me to shame. A continuous life of changing my mind and actions. It's beautiful with Him.

Happy weekend Luvs🦋

biblical reference~ Genesis 3:21

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