I would love to do another version of this without the scanner if there is anyone who doesn’t like the scanner sounds. Personally I like them if I have it on in the background or during the day but they tend to wake me up if I’m trying to sleep. Wasn’t sure how everyone felt so let me know!! I hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday season! ❤️💚
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Playlist of my Library Roleplays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP_KeVObcFU&list=PLnS2T6giqj3bOTaX0E32fv3g0RGt2trYl
Playlist of my Roleplays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4O4v1QvjSA&list=PLnS2T6giqj3bHBUHife7A-wNMf4R7oyLR
Email: [email protected]
ASMRtists I’m listening to:
Eddie Does ASMR: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU2gMPY0tjN7ZLKQx6E9cNg
thank you for watching my videos. it means the world that you are here
asmr asmr librarian ASMR Library book covers crinkle Dust Jacket Librarian library peony asmr role play roleplay Scanner scanner sounds scanning soft spoken Typing writing