수다 ASMR • 내 성격? MBTI 검사?! / MBTI Korean Whispering, 한국어

Publicado hace 4 años

마지막쯤에 카메라가 한번 끊겨서
급 마무리된거 같기도..? ㅎㅎ
여러분도 MBTI 검사해보셨나요?!
다들 결과가 어떤지 궁금하네요😊
안해보셨으면 저랑 같이 해보아요

At the end of the day, the camera was cut off.
Maybe it's just a sudden end of course. Haha
Have you tried MBTI?
If you haven't, let's do it together.

🔮 Sponsoring props and filming (후원하기)

#MBTI #ASMR #수다 #한국어 #Korean #토킹 #Whispering #Talking #Tingle #3Dio
#Korean #위스퍼링


3Dio asmr korean mbti Talking tingle whispering 音フェチ

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