ASMR Fidget Toy Poppers

melissadenise ASMR
Publicado hace 2 años

Hi friends!
In today's video I'll be popping fidget poppers I borrowed from my niece in hopes to bring some relaxing sounds to you, I got my hands on all different kinds so I hope one was able to ease your mind😊🤞I'm hoping in my next video I'll have my lights back up but until then please stay safe, happy and healthy and I'll be seeing you again soon!


ps - please don't mind my squinting I think the light was a bit too bright for me😅


asmrcommunity asmrfidgettoys asmrinaudible asmrsleep asmrsounds asmrtriggers acrylics asmr asmrfidget asmrmassage asmrtapping asmrvideo brainmelt braintriggering crinkles eartoear eartoearwhispers fastASMR FidgetASMR fidgetpoppers fidgetspinners fidgettriggers longnails mouthsounds nap OddlySatisfying relax relaxation relaxing Satisfying sleep sleepasmr sounds tingles trigger triggers unintentionalasmr videoplaylist whisper whispering whispers आराम करें नींद फुसफुसाना 音フェチ

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