Powerful Reiki Healing Session for Grief with A.S.M.R.

Publicado hace 7 años

Here is another of my channels where you can find more spiritual teachings.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teb7KQj2Zk0 --~--
I'm sorry I wasn't able to get this uploaded on Wednesday as originally planned. Please share with someone who could use this healing session. I'm actually on my way to a funeral for an aunt of mine today; many are crossing over and we need to heal our hearts and send them the best energy for their continued journey of the soul. We can be of service to our loved ones and help them in the next life.

In this video we cover the need to validate and move the energy of grief so that, while we will always miss our loved ones, we are able to process the experience from our perspective, and send energy to those who have passed on.

This video is inspired by all the comments and messages I receive on the subject, the fact that we are coming out of Scorpio season in which death and transformation are themes, and that as we approach the winter holidays we are reminded of how our loved ones are not with us physically to share it.

We all have our own beliefs and this video is not to convince you of anything, but only share a healing energy that can begin within you and be sent to your loved on as well.

If you are new here and wondering about the lighting I keep things dim as these videos are meant to be relaxing and ideally help you sleep.


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I am an Energy Worker/Master Teacher Level Reiki Practitioner working out of the NYC/NJ area. I aim to share my passion for energy, holistic practices, personal power, relaxation, balance, wellness etc. by making these videos.

I don't use scripts and hope you can appreciate the natural flow in my communication to you.

Please subscribe if you vibe with me and would enjoy my upcoming videos.

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Lune Fromage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNERiRqN4GUCT_x9HCSQ29A

Write to me:
Lune Innate
PO Box 13-1837
Staten Island NY 10313


asmr reiki energy asmr reiki fingers asmr reiki hand movements asmr reiki healing astral plane energy healing grief guided meditation healing healing a broken heart healing grief healing loss Healing meditation is my deceased love one still with me loss lune innate Meditation prayer processing grief reiki for grief reiki for pain reincarnation spiritual asmr what happens after death what happens when you die when a loved one dies

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