asmr eating candied strawberries (tanghulu/糖葫芦/탕후루)

meimei asmr
Publicado hace 6 años

hiii guys! today i ate some TangHuLu! as some of u guys may know that tanghulu is a traditional chinese snack made of candied fruits. the ones i ate in china were mostly made out of chinese hawthorns(山楂), i just used strawberries today cuz we didnt have any hawthorns at home and i like candied strawberries too^^ (LOL the ones i made were pretty ugly but they tasted good so whatevs)

the drink i was drinking was SuanMeiTang(酸梅汤), if i translate it word to word its sour plum juice but its actually sweet and sour from the taste. u guys should try it too! its a very popular summer drink in china!

leave requests in the comments and have a nice day/evening!


*sorry if u guys see me wearing this shirt a lot its because its my pajama shirt and i just always wear it at home lol*

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