Ultimate Mic Scratching☆💕 6 Ways to Melt Your Brain🧠☆

Publicado hace 1 año

hey everyone!!💖 let me know what mic scratching you prefer, the foam tascam kinda shocked me like i think it's my fav in this video😳 LOL i hope you're all doing amazing, thankyou for being here🫶
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0:00- intro
2:51- yeti foam
15:49- tascam foam
25:47- yeti bare
36:56- tascam bare
45:04- tascam fluffy
55:31- yeti fluffy


4k 4k asmr asmr bare mic scratching fluffy mic scratching foam mic scratching maeve asmr maeveasmr meave asmr meaveasmr mic scratching mic scratching 3 ways mic scratching 6 ways mic scratching blue yeti relax relaxing tascam tascam bare mic tascam finger pads tascam fluffy cover tascam foam cover tascam in your ear triggers tascam mic scratching tascam mic tapping tascam triggers tingles tingly yeti mic scratching

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