Whispered Q&A(SMR) with Hand Movements ❓❓❓

Aradia ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

Hello my beautiful flower children🌻
I hope you have been doing well since I've been gone!! I apologize for the random, unannounced break, but I am very excited to be back!! I have some videos in the works for you guys, but for today, the long awaited 27*K Q&A (ASMR edition)😋 I wrote down some of my favorite questions and I hope that you enjoy getting to know a little more about me!! I was pretty goofy throughout this video, but I hope it can still relax you a bit. I will see you guys Wednesday with a new hand movements video!!! As always, sooooo much love💜🧡 xoxoxo


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use code "ARADIA" for 10% off at Into the AM, iHeartRaves, & Emazing Lights!!
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donations: https://paypal.me/karlieflowz
instagram: https://instagram.com/aradiaflowarts
twitter: https://twitter.com/karlieflowzasmr


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