Ciao everyone! In this video I really want to thank you all ♥️ Thanks for being still here and also thanks to the new members who joined this accented family♥️ I know that I've been gone for a long time (I started this channel in 2017, but never posted regularly) but right now I'm doing my best to make it up to you. Please, let me know what you'd like to see and hear, don't be afraid to give me advices and be patience while I figure out the best way to make you happy. Because that's it. That's what I wanna do. That's what ASMR is for me: an escape, a beautiful world that always welcomes me, a soothing land...and YOU are a part of this.
Thanks again.
Vi voglio bene,
Unintentional ASMR 🥪 Perfect Sandwich Made by Irish Gentleman (🇮🇪 accent):
#asmrchitchat #asmritaaccent #asmrshowandtell
asmr asmr accent asmr girl ASMR ITA ACCENT asmr italian accent asmr random chit chat asmr show and tell asmr whispered chit chat elisa whispers asmr foreign ASMR products asmr relaxing videos RELAXING voices talking asmr whispering asmr