Today I'll help you choose some delicious fall recipes from a magazine. Based on what we decide, I'll write down each recipe in a notebook to reference later. Featuring soft spoken asmr, magazine page flipping, pencil writing, crinkly paper sounds and personal attention I hope you find this roleplay cozy and relaxing. 🍄🍂
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Magazines + Page Flipping ASMR Playlist:
✨ My Tech ✨
📷 PowerShot G7 X Mark III
🎤 Blue Yeti Mic - Silver
Sunpak - PlatinumPlus 5858D 58" Tripod - Black
asmr magazine
asmr magazine flipping
asmr pencil writing
asmr recipe reading
asmr recipe
asmr soft spoken roleplay
asmr soft spoken
asmr roleplay
asmr personal attention
asmr page flipping
asmr paper sounds
asmr menu planning
asmr crinkly paper
asmr crinkles
asmr fall
asmrmagazine asmrroleplay SoftspokenASMR