The ASMR Book Tag 📚 Whispered Q&A

Mauve ASMR
Publicado hace 1 año

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I'm tagging @quietkyasmr @HaleyJeanASMR @asmroctober @hannahconfettiasmr3345 @michelleswhispersasmr @asmrmayth9121 and anyone else who wants to do it! 💜

Here's a random Goodreads review that states more succinctly my thoughts on Asymmetry: "Nope, not for me I'm afraid...more of an experiment than a novel, and an experiment that didn't warrant half as much tedium as what I found myself subjected to. I 'got it' but I didn't find the payoff rewarding at all. There's a good argument to be made that the first two sections were badly written on purpose...but if poorly executed structural innovation is all it takes for a book to be lauded as a masterpiece these days I think we need to raise that bar just a little bit higher."

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