Welcome to the channel! In this video, I help you relax with some spa facial treatments with a hot towel, oil, massaging, and light whispering. Let me pamper you!
ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) is a relaxing sensation that starts between your ears and moves down your body. It has helped me with depression and insomnia, and has been said to have a sedative or meditative effect.
ASMR | Spa Facial Treatment Personal Attention Role Play
#mozasmr #asmr #asmrtist
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*Remember* ASMR is not a medical treatment. ASMR is meant to induce tingles, relaxation, and sleep. Although it may make you feel better, it has not been proven to fix any mental health issues or conditions you may have. If you need help, PLEASE seek a professional. Here are a few links that can help you:
-Mental Health Information
-Women's Health
-Suicide Prevention
You are loved! - Mo
asmr asmr facial asmr facial treatment personal attention asmr whispering asmrtist facial treatment asmr facial treatment role play mosasmr mozasmr mozasmr facial mozasmr personal attention personal attention