ASMR || a relaxing whisper ramble ✨(life update)

ASMR Nirvana
Publicado hace 1 año

Hey everyone!!

In this ASMR video, I ramble about my life, what i’ve been up to for the last month, disney, a musical, colleges, music, senior year, and any emotion i’ve been feeling basically lol. Triggers include mouth sounds and whispering. I’m truly grateful to be able to talk to all of you through these rambles, it’s such a freeing experience. Hopefully you all get the same kind of feeling out of it as I did, and i hope you all enjoy!!

As i mentioned in the ramble, leave down below your ideas for things to do in new york, song recommendations, and just how you’re doing in general :)

My spotify: @logano

My insta: @itznirvana_

My music channel: @betweenthegrooves1455

My tik tok: @asmrnirvana

Thank you so so much to my wonderful patrons:

Allan Johnson
Liz segovia
Scoobert Doobert
Martin Tourneur
Orlando Sebastian Von Suttenburg
Amy Cadden
Angel Roque

I hope every one of you has a very nice night ♥️


asmr asmr life update asmr mouth sounds asmr ramble asmr whisper ramble asmr whispering asmr whispers whispered ramble asmr

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