ASMR Nail Tapping & Scratching on Blue Yeti with No Mic Cover - Intense Bassy Sounds |No Talking|

Kirsty ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

Hi everyone

Today's video is a close up blue yeti mic tapping and scratching video with no cover on the mic. I find these sounds really intense and I had to be so careful not to knock the mic (anyone who know's me knows being careful is not not a skill of mine!) Also not talking in this video.

I hope you like the sounds and let me know if you have any requests!



asmr asmr blue yeti ASMR Blue Yeti Scratching asmr blue yeti tapping asmr mic scratching asmr mic scratching no cover asmr mic tappin gno cover asmr mic tapping asmr nail tapping asmr not talking asmr scratching asmr tapping asmr tapping no talking blue yeti no cover blue yeti scratching Blue yeti tapping blue yeti tapping no talking mic scratching no cover mic tapping no cover mic tapping notalking nail tapping No Talking asmr tapping no talking

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