*** Hey everyone! This video is essentially a whispered Q&A. It’s is a tag going around the ASMR community and I was lucky enough to be tagged by SophieMichelle ASMR (she’s amazing) and so here I am, doing my part and passing it along. I’m not 100% sure of the rules so I tagged 6 people lol. All links below and please please subscribe to these other ASMRtists. I picked them because I love them and they all inspire me.
ASMR Tag Started by EmiPerks ASMR: https://goo.gl/Yc8EYS
Tagged by SohpieMichelle ASMR: https://goo.gl/2Lkf5m
Little Dove ASMR: https://goo.gl/a98cX2
Lily Whispers ASMR: https://goo.gl/FbzmMW
DosageOfTingles ASMR: https://goo.gl/wRpYw3
BohemianWhisper ASMR: https://goo.gl/sV5U2f
Catplant ASMR: https://goo.gl/E2xg4j
RaffyTaphy ASMR: https://goo.gl/czzNNF
😎 Support on Patreon: https://goo.gl/YzIXYE
📦 Amazon Wishlist: http://a.co/4DIf0z1
🎮 Go Subscribe to my Good Friend’s Let’s Play Channel: https://goo.gl/12Lllo
Hey! My name Matty and I live in Oregon. I’ve been an avid viewer of ASMR for over 7 years and I started my channel December 16, 2016. I normally upload 1-4 times per week! I love creating content and pushing the culture of ASMR forward by creating cool things and collaborating with people who inspire me. Stay tuned and thank you for being here.
- My Other Channels - (GO SUBSCRIBE)
Vlog: https://goo.gl/ahjnce
Music: https://goo.gl/zOeBRp
- Social Media -
Twitter: https://goo.gl/NtT7O2
Instagram: https://goo.gl/egPd5L
Snapchat: @MattySnapping
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[email protected]
Mailing Address:
PO Box 953
Turner, OR 97392
asmr autonomous bohemianwhisper catplant Community darling fun gibi hypnosis iphone like lilywhispers littledove matty mattytingles new raffytaphy recommended relax sleep sounds subscribe tag Talking viral water whispered yeti