8 Binaural (3D) ASMR Triggers For Relaxation: Rotary Phone, Rubik's Cube, Fortune Cookie, & More

Heather Feather ASMR
Publicado hace 11 años

Hello everyone! This binaural ASMR video features: Tapping, Scratching, Ear to Ear Whispering, Sticky Fingers, Wood, Metal, Clicking, Crinkling, Crunching, and lots of Soft Speaking. There is a segment toward the end where I took out part of the vid---something happened in processing, and it got all jerky, so I took it out. I look a bit padded in this---I record without my heat on, and recording takes longer than the video---so I layered...a lot. I was wearing an undershirt, a long sleeved shirt, the green t shirt, and then the sweater. It isn't super flattering, but I need to be as comfortable as I can when recording---cause it's freezing :P. I hope despite the weird lighting and little kinks here and there, that this can still work for you. Happy Viewing!

For those who need a quick fix:
3:31-9:25 Rotary Phone
9:45-17:39 Finger Claw Jewelry
17:40-22:10 Sticky Fingers
22:11-30:17 Rubik's Cube (Tapping, Pointing, and Clicking)
31:50-49:16 Adventure Time and Portal Handmade Figures
49:27-54:52 Kingdom Hearts Wood Art
55:00-1:10:00 Miniature Keyblade Collection
1:10:45-1:14:46 Fortune Cookie tells our fortune :D (Crinkling, tapping, scratching, crunching)

Channel I mentioned: Ardra Neala
Videos I mentioned:
Solve Et Coagula http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj1WIn2BwwM
Ardra's Two Beautiful ASMR Videos:
Athlete's Rubik's Cube Adventure Time Video:
Athlete's Rubik's Cube full song:
Star Wars as Told By a 3 Year Old:

Microphone I use: Free Space Pro - Binaural Microphone

My blog: http://heatherfeatherasmr.blogspot.com/

My ASMR Blooper Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/FeatherBrainedASMR

After months of people asking, I made a paypal account. I love making these videos, so regardless of donations, I will still be doing what I love---that said, any donations are greatly appreciated. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_s-xclick%26hosted_button_id%3DCCEB66PBJAYCJ&h=yAQG9J8aK

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/heather.feather.7355

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeathFeathASMR


3D Binaural ASMR Adventure Time ASMR ASMR Rotary Phone Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Binaural Sound Assortment ASMR DIY ASMR Ear to Ear Whisper ASMR Finger Claws ASMR Fortune Cookie ASMR Heather Feather ASMR Keyblade Collection ASMR Kingdom Hearts ASMR Portal ASMR Rubik's Cube ASMR Soft Spoken Female Voice ASMR Tapping and Scratching with Long Nails ASMR Time (Magazine) ASMR Video for Anxiety Relief and Insomnia Video for Sleep and Relaxation

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