Prayer & Bible Reading✨ Romans (Chapter 1-4) ~ Christian ASMR

Publicado hace 4 años

Hey YouTube Family,
Join me tonight for Prayer and Reading of the Word of God! We are reading the Letter written by Apostle Paul to the Romans! I am currently reading out of my new Student Study bible the ESV!
Link below if you want to check it out!

To be honest recording this video was hard I spent 2 nights til 1am trying to record I had so many interruptions, so many technical issues! But I pushed through and was obedient to God believe omg that someone needed this!

As always thank you so very much for your love & support!

ESV Student Study Bible:

For Daily Devotionals or Encouraging Videos with the word of God follow 👇🏼👇🏼

Pastor Gabriel Padilla:

Pastor Leoneida Padilla:

#ChristianASMR #BibleASMR #prayer #biblereading

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