

Creado 19,400 3,711,929 652 Suecia
Welcome to 'Crushing Land' - the world where nothing makes sense, and everything does!

Here, items possess unique mindsets and shoes can crush and absorb them! Pea entered this realm after crushing the enchanted pineapple, accepting the quest to crush fast-food thinking and assimilate skills from various foods, things, toys, and electronics. The ultimate goal? To forge the Peaceful Warrior, all the while sharing her oddly satisfying experiences with you.

🌏 Daily shorts and weekly episodes are released on YouTube! To support this channel and the development the multi-level mobile game portraying Crushing Land, consider becoming a valued patron!

💗 Pineapplepea es un creador de videos de ASMR con más de 19,400 suscriptores. Pineapplepea se unió a YouTube hace 5 años, y ha subido 652 videos de ASMR con más de 3,711,929 vistas totales. Pineapplepea es de Suecia.

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