[ASMR English] CutieCute☆Lap Pillow Ear Caring Shop RP (SUB)

Published 8 years ago

I made "The New Year Celebration! Ear Caring Shop Role Play" in English too!
Hello everyone!
My dear subscribers from all over the world! Nice to meet you!
I am Korean ASMRtist PPOMO :)
Thank you for your watching :D!
Ah! I stream ASMR on my Youtube channel and Twitch every Friday p.m 11:30 in Korean time!
I want to meet you! :)

안녕하세용 X3 여러분!!! 이번것은 저번 무릎베개 귀 관리샵의 영어버전이에요! 자막을 달아두었으니 영어쪽이 좋으신 분들은 자막을 보면서 들으시면 돼요! XD 핳핳 여전히 제 영어실력은 많이 부족하지만 앞으로도 더 노력할게요!

Hola a todos!
Mis queridos suscriptores de todo el mundo! Encantada de conocerte!
Soy coreana ASMRtist PPOMO :)
Este es un video de ASMR!
Gracias por su observación :D!

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🍅 English ASMR : https://goo.gl/kQb9SQ
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🍅 українські субтитри : https://goo.gl/K1FfIf
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🍅 Japanese Subtitle : https://goo.gl/jDukYs
🍅 Sous-titres français : https://goo.gl/CKqWnI
🍅 Global Languages : https://goo.gl/aG2c92

🍅 Ppomo's Game & Life Channel : https://goo.gl/gMkwhb
🍅 Ppomo's ASMR Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/PPOMODOLI
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🍅 Ppomo's facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/ppomodolii

00:21 인사, 티타임 greeting & Tea time あいさつとティータイム
07:28 물로 귀 불리기(?) macerating ears with water ear massage 水で耳のマッサージ
12:04 스크럽으로 귀 각질제거 ear exfoliating with scrub スクラブで耳の角質除去
25:15 오일 귀 마사지 oil ear massage オイルで耳のマッサージ
36:28 귀청소 ear picking with cotten swab 綿棒で耳掃除


3dio asmr ACMP asmr ASMR Ear Cleaning asmr mouth sounds asmr no talking ASMR Role Play ENG SUB asmr english asmr español asmr french asmr japanese asmr Kiss ASMR korean asmr lip sound asmr mouth sound Portuguese ASMR ppomo asmr russian asmr Spanish ASMR whispering asmr 音フェチ

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