♥ ASMR ♥ My first attempt at cutting hair... • (Clippers & Scissors)

The Most Gentle Sounds
Published 4 years ago

Hey guys!

Special thanks to my wonderful boyfriend for allowing me to do this to him xD I have never cut hair this short before so please be patient with the technique if you have cut short hair before i can imagine this video may be rather stressful/annoying for you to watch! I love the sound clippers make as well as scissors so i thought i would record the process and let you guys enjoy the sounds anyway! ♥

If you want to skip to the results click here: 17:45

My name is Abi:) I've been making ASMR videos for over 5 years in the hopes of making this world a more relaxing place to live in. Everyone is welcome here on my channel, so please be respectful, so we can all enjoy our time here on youtube.

If you don't know what ASMR is, here's a video letting you know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59vv5eI85SA&t=28s
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My equiptment:
Camera: https://www.amazon.com/Sony-DSCHX90V-Digital-Camera-3-Inch/dp/B00VWJOK7M/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2IW9FZSLPIIDP&keywords=sony+dsc+hx90&qid=1579034342&sprefix=Sony+DSC+HX90%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-1
Microphone: https://www.amazon.com/Zoom-H2N-H2n-Handy-Recorder/dp/B005CQ2ZY6/ref=sr_1_4?crid=11C1IQ8EVJMRW&keywords=zoom+h2n+handy+recorder&qid=1579034234&sprefix=zoom+H2n+%2Caps%2C233&sr=8-4


asmr autonomous clippers cut electric fade feelings gentle gone wrong hair hypnosis meridian relax relaxation response scissors sensory shivers sleep sleepy snip Snipping soft spoken sounds spa the most gentle sounds tingles tingly triggers Trimming whisper

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