ASMR FAVORITE SOFT FOODS (Cake Pops, Chocolate Cakes, Cookies) 부드러운 음식 리얼사운드 먹방 | Kim&Liz ASMR

Kim&Liz ASMR
Published 5 years ago

We are eating our favorite Soft Foods!
-Vanilla Swiss roll Cake
-Milk Snacks
-Chocolate Chip Cookies
-Cake Pops
-Black Sesame Daifuku
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Check out our favorite Soft Foods part ONE here:

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asmr asmr eating asmr mochi big bites brownie cake cake bars cake pops calories cheat day cheat meal chocolate cookie dough crepe cake crunchy daifuku Dessert donut edible food entire cake Fast food food challenge fresh cream ice cream Japanese jello junk food korean macarons marshmallow milk snacks mochi mukbang no talking pastries pie Red bean relax roll cake soft food starbucks street food swiss roll Yakgwa 音フェチ

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