ASMR | I'm Back 🤍 Drinking Some Tea & Doing Triggers 🍵 (Close-up Whispers)

Quotes ASMR
Published 2 years ago

Hey guys! I'm finally back!!! 💃🏼

Drink some tea every time I say that it's been a while in this video because it truly has lol. 🫠 I just wasn't feeling motivated and inspired at all, and the start of this new year was kind of hard for me. But I'm back and I hope you will enjoy this video! 🥰

(Sorry for all the editing at the beginning, my neighbor's dog barked only when I wanted to speak, so I did what I could 😅)

I really hope you enjoyed the video and that it could help you relax or fall asleep. 😴
If you did, you can like, comment, and subscribe to make my day! 😊

♡ Instagram: @quotesasmr ➝
♡ Business email: [email protected]

Making/drinking tea 00:00 - 1:00
Intro 1:00 - 2:25
Mic Brushing 2:25 - 4:47
Brow Brush 4:47 - 9:20
Tea Break :)) 9:20 - 9:30
Phone Case Tapping 9:30 - 11:25
Claw Clip 11:25 - 13:05
Scissors 13:05 - 15:14
Cold tea hihi 15:14 - 15:19
Outro 15:19 - 16:03

❝The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.❞ — Walt Disney

#micbrushing #asmrdrinking #asmrwhispers #asmr


ASMR Brow Brush asmr drinking sounds asmr mic brushing asmr mic brushing sleep asmr microphone brushing asmr tapping asmr triggers for sleep brushing mic asmr clicky whispering Clicky whispering asmr drinking asmr drinking unintentional asmr Eyebrow Brush ASMR mic brushing and whispering new asmrtist phone case nail tapping asmr phone case tapping phone case tapping asmr scissor sounds scissor sounds asmr scissoring sounds asmr

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