ASMR Bedtime Pampering You🤍 Tingly Personal Attention For Sleep

Gloss And Tingles ASMR
Published 3 years ago

Hi loves, Tonight's ASMR video is a super tingly bedtime pampering roleplay. With closeup visuals and gentle personal attention. Rose water cleanser, Cake sprinkle face mask, face massage, layered sounds and more. Sweet dreams and I hope you enjoy x

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This is a calm and positive space for you to unwind and be pampered. Self care is so important, so please take the time to relax. YOU deserve it! I hope you enjoy my videos x Lots of love x Gloss

#asmr #pamperingyou #personalattention


asmr face mask face massage layered sounds makeup asmr pampering you asmr personal attention спа асмр

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