I had you all vote for what the last video of this month should be and this was the winner! This video is designed to give you lots of tingles without burning you out by increasing and decreasing the intensity. The videos in this series combine random sentences getting repeated in various ways, visual triggers, and layered triggers.
This particular one includes close up ear to ear whispering, head massage, tapping, pencil clicking, metal coins, fizzing, deep crinkle sounds, lotion, face brushing, spritzing water at your face, scissor visual triggers, slurping, bubbling, shaking a packet of batteries, sounds with my classic owl journal, and vinyl static! Enjoy!
I made three videos before with this same increasing intensity / cooldown / random phrases concept here:
I make three English videos, then one Spanish video, in that order!
Got a question? It might be answered here: http://officialrebekahsmith.tumblr.com/faq
Would you like to see my videos a day early for as little as $1/month? Check out my Patreon for that and more!
PATREON :http://www.patreon.com/softlygaloshes
OFFICIAL SITE: http://officialrebekahsmith.tumblr.com
VLOGS: http://youtube.com/miceylulu
SPANISH VLOGS: http://youtube.com/soytuestudiante
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/officialrebekahsmith
ASMR WEBSITE: http://asmryouready.com
ASMRYOUREADY TWITTER: http://twitter.com/asmryouready
ASMRYOUREADY FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/asmryouready
MY WRITING: http://mumbledpixels.tumblr.com
TUMBLR: http://brightstartheory.tumblr.com
PERSONAL TWITTER: http://twitter.com/brbwatermelon
OFFICIAL TWITTER: http://twitter.com/softlygaloshes
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/brightstartheory
LAST.FM: http://last.fm/user/omgpinkjello/
SNAPCHAT: bananagaloshes
Donate to my paypal, if you want: [email protected] (or go to http://officialrebekahsmith.tumblr.com and there is a big Donate button at the top)
(I don't respond to emails at the [email protected] account; but feel free to leave a comment, a tweet, a tumblr ask, or a facebook message.)
For any and all business inquiries, please email me at softlygaloshes (at) gmail (dot) com Thank you! :) (NOTE: This is NOT for just asking questions or wanting conversation. This is for business reasons only. If you wish to talk to me casually, send me a tweet, a message on my various tumblrs, or my Facebook. All of those are linked above.)
Intro by Lance Wilson. http://www.lancorz.co.uk/
Vinyl static:
asmr balm beard blue book brush brushing camera close coins crinkling cut ear ever face fizz goosebumps hair Hat have head insomnia journal Lip Makeup massage metal most owl pencil phrases plastic purple random repeated repeating repetitive scalp scissors scratching sentences shivers sleep softlygaloshes static stick tapping tingles to triggers trim up vinyl visual wash water whisper you'll