#asmr #dentist #exam
Gentle dentist Sarah is going to make your mouth feel a lot more comfortable today as she extracts your troublesome wisdom tooth. Relax as she gives you a dental exam, before administering anaesthesia and performing the wisdom tooth removal. Lots of realistic dental sounds including dental instruments and suction, as well as vinyl gloves and close personal attention!
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Some of my favourite ASMRtists....
Eddie Does ASMR https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU2gMPY0tjN7ZLKQx6E9cN
ASMR Zeitgeist https://www.youtube.com/c/asmrzeitgeist
Articulate Design ASMR https://www.youtube.com/c/ArticulateDesignASMR
Ali May ASMR https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC17FnzfhUBWcxIcAd5O3tWw
Yvette ASMR https://youtube.com/channel/UCHyz6PkHoW0c-qGDVR-Wubg
ASMR Shanny https://www.youtube.com/c/ASMRShanny
Scottish Undertones ASMR https://youtube.com/c/ScottishUndertonesASMR
Scottish ASMR Blueberry https://youtube.com/c/blueberrysquash1971
anaesthesia asmr asmr dental exam asmr dentist asmr dentist role plays asmr dentist tooth extraction asmr personal attention asmr tooth removal asmr wisdom teeth removal dental dental asmr dental exam dental exam asmr dental exam asmr roleplay dental instruments dental roleplay asmr dental suction Dentist Roleplay ASMR|하원장의 사이다 스케일링|치과 상황극 personal attention tooth extraction tooth removal vinyl gloves vinyl gloves asmr wisdom tooth extraction wisdom tooth removal