Created 5,860 806,214 168 Sweden
Hi! My name is Emmi and I make ASMR videos on this channel. I created this channel because I love ASMR but I also created it as a way to deal with my anxiety. When it comes to anxiety it can discourage you from doing the things you want to do in life. Unfortunately I have lived a very long time not doing things that I love because of this fear and anxiety. One of my strategies to deal with it is to create Youtube-videos that many people would say are "imperfect" or have "low quality". I want to put into practice the idea that A) being imperfect is okay and B) I am loveable no matter the mistakes I make. This means that I might leave mistakes in my videos that others would have edited out. It also means that my Youtube videos most likely never will be perfect.

If you love ASMR like myself, feel free to reach out to me. Much love,

-Em :)


💗 Emmi ASMR is an ASMR video creator with over 5,860 subscribers. Emmi ASMR joined YouTube 5 years ago, and has uploaded 168 ASMR videos with over 806,214 total views. Emmi ASMR is from Sweden.



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