Nicky ASMR

Nicky ASMR

Created 406 26,199 25
Hi! I'm Nicole!

Me: Empathic, sensitive, artsy, fur baby loving, crafty, home making, awkward weird but potentially social in the real world, petite lady.

This channel: Hopefully some asmr stuffs if I can improve and really get the hang of it.

Other channels? I have one for singing. Its old and fallen to the wayside but maybe I'll revive it. Also thinking of making more channels for the many other facets of my life like, organizing help for others, crafting in my shop, personal vlog--- because why should anyone have to choose just one thing if they have many interests? But, we'll see about that.


💟 Nicky ASMR is an ASMR video creator with over 406 subscribers. Nicky ASMR joined YouTube 2 years ago, and has uploaded 25 ASMR videos with over 26,199 total views.

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