Slim Whispers

Slim Whispers

Created 181,000 3,819,127 85
Edit* 23 years old and following Yeshua now ✞
from veganism & anxiety to new age, from new age to following Jesus Christ. :) Still not sure what to make of with social media tho. Be blessed! :)

Edit* 22 years lol

19 years on the planet so far, located in Finland, Gemini, Stan, horror freak, lover not a fighter, exploring , ps4 games, practical nurse, thinker, introverted, lone wolf, abandoned places, hopeless lover and naive believer


💟 Slim Whispers is an ASMR video creator with over 181,000 subscribers. Slim Whispers joined YouTube 8 years ago, and has uploaded 85 ASMR videos with over 3,819,127 total views.


asmr relax fun sleep weird

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